Friday, June 1, 2007

Yesterday was Thursday- goodbye party

Last night I went to a going away party for one of our employees. Keith Andrews had been with the company for at least 6 or 7 years and was well liked. He was one of the guys at work that would make me laugh, blush and smirk all at once. We would go to lunch once a month or so and just talk about the hot girls at work. We had our top 20, but really focused in on the top 10. Our top 5s were very similar but not equal. 'Yellow panties' was my #1 while she was top 5 for Keith. He preferred the blonds while I am partial to the browns.
We had 4 or 5 favorite places for our monthly lunch. Yesterday, our last month together, was at a tofu house. The smells and tastes brought back many good memories of lustful speak. I would always get the Kimchi with soft tofu, no meat, extra hot. If you have never had tofu house soup, I highly recommend that you try it, but when you do be warned not to eat it immediately- let it cool down for a while. The meal is brought out in waves. First wave, hot, hot green tea. Second wave, cold, cold kimchis (9 or 10 types). Third wave, the rice which is bluish in color and is served in a clay bowl that sits upon a sort of wooden platter. The rice and clay bowl are so hot that the wooden panel is charred and smoking. Final wave, the tofu soup- the best way to explain it is a cup of lava. Bubbling and gurgling and rolling about and as red as clay bricks. The soup is also on a wooden plate that is smoking. After about 5 minutes you can venture into your first bite, but be warned to not to try to cool your mouth with the tea as the tea is also very, very hot. When you can finally pallet the soup, you get an incredibly, exquisite sensation of flavor, heat, spice and texture. The kimchi is intense, the tofu is silken, and the rice is the perfect pillow. When I eat her I am sweating the whole time, and I can't stop eating. It would be perfect with an OB, but I have not drank during work for several years. I will remember Keith and my conversations over this soup for many years. Much like the combination of flavor and heat of the soup, our conversations were lascivious, genuine, heartfelt, funny and painful. We would talk of eating pussy right after finishing our final thoughts on surfing or biking. We would talk of ATM before talking genuinely about how to make ourselves better managers. You get the idea.
We met after work at a bar. There were plenty of people from his area there and several others from the general population at work. I met and spoke with a few people that I had never seen before. They were all sincere and nice to be around. There were, of course, a good representation from our Top 20. This made me happy. 'Yellow panties' was not there.
Keith and I did notice the 18 year old (maybe 19) in the tight blue dress. She was a footer (meaning she went 6') and she was all shoulders, legs and overly styled hair. Her bra kept peaking out from under her dress. At one point, she came over behind the backs of the people at her table, and knelt down by us with her back to us. She was posing for a picture, and I hope that the photo captured Keith and I staring at her. How can I explain this in a way that would make sense to the common reader? When she bent down, her dress lifted slightly to show off her calves and thighs- tight, coffee skin with subtle striations of muscle. Her thong, which appeared to be ruffled and which was visible through her cotton dress, was too small for her body and allowed my imagination to go deep inside of her. Her backbone and ribs protruded out, but were a nice foil for her small breasts. Her neck, shoulders, arms, and elbows were all awkward and stiff which told me that she was a virgin.
I feel dirty talking about her right now, and I envy the person that will make her cum one day.
The night ended by me drinking far too much and having to drive home. On the way home, I thought about driving by Sophia's house, but I could not do it. I just needed to make it home so that I could savor the sight of the blue dressed virgin.
Today at work I was sad and distracted all day, so I canceled all my meetings and just focused on my work. I was able to get caught up for the first time in weeks. I answered and read all my unopened emails and I caught up on all my reviews. By 4:00, I was done and ready to go home. I decided to drive by Sophia's house on the way home. Her car was not there. I ended up stopping by a bar near her house with the hope that she would come in. After a few drinks, I decided to go home. On my way out of the city, I thought that I saw her car. Butterflies and heartburn. I really miss her, but I am too much of a slimy pig; I am an awful, awful man that dehumanizes women; I am a horrid person that only thinks of lust; I am very aware right now that I may lose Sophia if I don't change. I can't stop thinking of 'yellow panties'. I need to act on her.


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